5 keys to master SEO on Baidu

5 keys to handle SEO on Baidu

Baidu is really important if you want to develop your company in China. below, seochinaagency introduce you 5 keys to handle SEO on Baidu.

PPC on Baidu

Using Baidu services can help you greatly in your SEO campaign. But if you stop using these services suddenly, you could lose your ranking. These services are Baidu Pay Per Click – PPC. It works according to the selected keywords.

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For instance, if you have a site specialized in tourism in France, to attract Chinese customers, it would be interesting to use PPC, targeting keywords that are not referenced yet.

Host your website in China

Baidu will always advantage websites that are hosted on Chinese servers. Indeed, the websites hosted abroad will take much longer to load. It is also possible to have a domain name ending in .cn or .com.cn this can improve the SEO of your website.

The example below shows a tourism website – tourfrombali.cn – who gets high performances thanks to its domain name ending with .cn.


Optimize your website’s content

Of course when you target the Chinese market and its customers, you must have a website in Chinese. Without it, many opportunities will not come to you. Following this, you need to optimize your site.

Your web pages must be organized. For this you must have apparent titles, and quality content. For instance, you can publish a large amount of content, as if you were a traditional media.

In addition, you need to update your information, your content. Indeed, if your information is not correct, your potential customers will not have confidence in your site. Which is quite understandable. Do not hesitate to write a new article on the new improvements that have emerged since the publication of your previous article. You will get positive effects out of this technique: your information will remain true, which will keep the confidence level – trust rank – of your site. But also, your SEO will certainly be better because your article will be read again, so your site will be visited again just to get the new information that you will detail in the article.

Get checked by Baidu – V-ed

In order to get an even better trust rank and have a better SEO, Baidu provides various Checking acronyms. They are: V1, V2, V3.

V1 verification is the equivalent of beginner, V2 verification corresponds to the advanced level while the level V3 corresponds to the expert level. In general, before clicking on a URL which might interest them, netizens take a look at this little information to ensure the reliability of the web site. So it’s a very good idea to get these different Baidu checking verification. This will dramatically increase your trust rank, but also your leads.

The example below concerns Ethnicraft’s website on Baidu, its Chinese name is “安森奈斯 ». It has the rank V1 which is the first step of verification. Thanks to this V1 rank, Baidu has a bigger confidence in this website.

ethnicraft v1

The V1 level requires a payment of 450 RMB per year.

The V2 level requires a payment of 3,700 RMB per year. These two levels of verification are easily targetable, you just need to pay for them.

The V3 level will only appear if your site is reliable, has good content, good titles, good landing pages, … In short, if your site follows to the letter the teachings of SEO, then you will have a chance to get this verification V3.

Having said that, you must take in consideration that you cannot buy the V3 level in any case! These different levels of checking will improve your CTR level.

Select your keywords precisely

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You will also select the keywords for your website carefully. The more your keywords are studied, the easier it will be for you to attract those looking for these specific keywords.

Search Engine Optimization is a full time job that requires a lot of discipline, making it a difficult task. SEO experts in China who have already proven themselves many times can help you improve the ranking of your websites in order to to put them at the top of search results on Baidu in China.

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