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The lucrative children market in China: Data, Trends, Solution
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The lucrative children market in China: Data, Trends, Solution

The biggest market in the world in 2024, not very competitve and a golden mine for western Brands: CHINA The one child policy, a part of the family planning policy, ended on January 2016 and created a boom in the China’s mother and baby market. The children’s market in China, encompassing products and services for…

What are the Top-Selling Baby Products Categories in China?

What are the Top-Selling Baby Products Categories in China?

The baby products market in China is one of the most competitive, and its future looks bright. Chinese parents spend large amounts even before the baby arrives. The demand for innovation in this market isn’t slowing down any time soon. With a fast growth rate, baby products in China are anticipated to expand at a 14.5%…