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Why Pet Brands need to target China in Priority?

Why Pet Brands need to target China in Priority?

Why China’s pet market is a good choice for international brands in 2024: Rapid Growth: The pet market in China has experienced significant growth in recent years, becoming one of the fastest-growing pet markets globally. Increasing Pet Ownership: There’s a rising trend in pet ownership among the Chinese population, particularly among the younger generation and…

Furry Friends Welcome: Tea Chain Unveils Pet-Friendly Stores in China

Furry Friends Welcome: Tea Chain Unveils Pet-Friendly Stores in China

If you’re a pet lover, finding places that cater to your furry companions can be quite the task. It’s even more challenging if you live in or plan to visit China, where pet-friendly venues are just starting to gain traction. This article unveils a breakthrough from ChaPanda—a popular Chinese tea brand—that has introduced 20 pet-friendly…