
Tmall B2D Agency

Tmall B2D (Brand to Distributors) is the new Platform to be found by 80 000 Chinese Distributors. It is new and really Great. 


online presence in China to reach more distributors. Our business only supplies to distributors

Opening a store on Tmall B2D to reach Chinese distributors

when you have to enter the Chinese market, to find the right Distributors/partner to disperse your Brand. T

This New platform  Tmall B2D is innovative and may revolutionize the traditional Business in China.

This new system reverses the traditional distribution chain and allows brands to connect to distributors, choosing who they will entrust their products among the 80000 China’s distributors based .


Tmall brings incredible insights to the visionaries of the foreign business: thanks to its brilliant new idea, the exchanges between brands and wholesalers will be considerably simplified. Really, Tmall currently allows brands to choose their accomplice from over 85,000 wholesalers across all country! 

We are a Tmall B2D Agency (official Agency)

Given the fact that an outside businessman sends his articles to China, the transfer plan will be essentially long. He should initially locate the Chinese merchant who will distribute his items throughout the country, a merchant who will use a distributor to advertise items in general stores or small stores in order to reach the buyer.

The multifaceted nature of this chain clarifies the cost of imported products at the entrance. 


More importantly, it must be understood that the only commitment of the merchant is to transmit the products: his work – and his interest in the brand – stop there. The merchant does not think about marking the mark; his vision of associations is here and now. He is paying attention to the popular misadventures and the sudden lack of commitment of society in general for an article that sold well the week before. This is why it is largely driven by the profitability of offers and does not foresee long-term joint efforts with brands.




The merchant will not put forward a mark that has not been demonstrated: he will choose a truly profitable brand, which will allow him to obtain a profit for himself. The new brand must have the ability to manage its Branding before entering the Chinese market, to offer Chinese Reselelrs a  benefit from its reputation once established in China.
The wholesaler will not help a brand to make itself known



Tmall (is a commercial web-based stage for the Chinese retail industry, powered by the massive Alibaba gathering, owned by celebrity agent Jack Mama. Tmall works in B2C, that is, it allows local and international organizations to present their items to buyers in China, but also in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.

In concrete terms, the stadium is changing mass circulation because it allows – in any case to neighboring organizations in China – to shorten their chain of dispersion. Just Tmall turns into their intermediate person.

New Plateform to Connect small merchant& resellers to New Brands

Today it is one of the largest web-based web-based business centers in China, which means nothing if we are familiar with the Chinese buyers’ inclination to use web-based activities to their purchases.

Try not to confuse TMALL & Tmall B2D

Try not to confuse Tmall (https://www.tmall.com/) and Tmall B2D: As a result of an internal reconstruction of the Alibaba rally, three particular organizations have developed. Previously, Tmall relied on the Taobao drills and then turned into an autonomous organization focused on B2C, and Tmall B2D is only for Distributors, hidden from public. 



  • You need to have a Full introduction, Cost and our case studies.
  • Contact us with your Company Name and your products you want to Sell to Chinese Distributors. 

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  1. We want to sell tshirt on Tmall.
    I send a message on behalf of my company, a group of company consists of 11companies where the T-shirt business is one of the companies in the group.
    I belong to international sales and marketing division and now title as a country manager of our branch office in China. I am looking for an opportunity to expand business in China by export and import goods from our group of company in Thailand to China vise versa.ou think it can work on tmall B2D?

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