Why Most Marketing Directors in China Will Increase their Investment Next Year?


Why Most of CMO and Marketing Directors in China will increase their investment in China?



Why worldwide CMO Will Increase their Marketing Budget Next Year in China?

  1. the middle class in China

The rise of connectivity and the middle class in China is an interesting prospect for marketers, with the four out of five marketing directors reporting. 

This is what we did in a study by The Trade Desk, which collaborated with Forbes to a survey to 250 CMO

  • 62% of top marketers have been referenced as the focus of their marketing and advertising campaigns over the next year. 
  • This is due to global economic trends (46%), geographic diversification (41%), market size (39%) and the emerging middle class (38%).


Susan Vobejda, Marketing Director at The Trade Desk, told The Drum:

“According to our study, 80% of marketing managers are increasing their investment in China over the next 18 months. These brands know that opportunities in China are real.”

“More than 1.4 billion people live in China, of which 772 million are currently connected to the Internet, and these numbers are growing, and we are witnessing the rise of the region’s great and medium-sized history. advertising in China opens up an absolutely huge pool of potential customers whose disposable income is growing. “

 80% of Marketing Investment will be Online in China

The big of the global marketing managers knowledge of China is limited .

A study revealed by European marketers with barely 8.30% declaration declared compliant with the rules.

In North America, this number has risen to 15% and to 21% in Latin America.

“The purchasing sector in China is complex. The purchase of programmatic ads in China is growing rapidly, but actors with access to a premium inventory are limited. Brands that leverage the data in their digital media purchases are looking for strong partners in China, “added Vobejda.

CMO problems in China

  1. Lack of media transparency (27%);
  2. risk of fraud and pirated content (24%);
  3. the complex structure of buying supports (21%)
  4. and difficult to measure Results (20%).

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One Comment

  1. So make sure you agree your content subjects to the website stuff, and prefer Native ADs in China
    However, it is usually much slower to get the traffic the actual pay-per-click and put a tracker in China or oversea

    You’ll lose customers if you need to too many errors.

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