6 things that marketers in China need to know on Baidu

If you want your website to be well ranked on Baidu, you have to be aware of these main points below.
Why my website is not ranked and is so slow in China?
Your website have to be hosted in China
If you want to get a high visibility on Baidu and easier performances bonus, you have to get your website hosted in China. Otherwise you will have more difficulties to perform on Baidu ranking.
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If your website is hosted in Europe or United states, try to avoid putting the multi languages on your website, since Baidu robots cannot recognize it. Moreover, if you can get the extension “cn”, it can be an added value for your website but it will not automatically bring you up on Baidu ranking. You will have to care about you SEO strategy.
Write your website in simplified Chinese
If you want to target Chinese customers, you will have to write your website entirely in mandarin. Most of Chinese people cannot read English, so you have to make your website content adjusted to Chinese language.
Get the Label V on Baidu
This label V is working like a quality label grade. When you got it, it means that your website has been verified and can probably move up on the Baidu ranking. Actually, you have 3 types of V: In order to get V1 and V2, you have to pay a certain amount of money depending on what type of V you want and on your website ranking. V3, it is the grade of “excellence”, but you can pay for it, you have to earn it.
Why label V is important on Baidu?
Succeed to get the trust of Chinese consumers is not such an easy task but it is really important if you want to have traffic on your website. The Label V works like a guarantee for Chinese people.
Get a lot of backlinks
The same as for Google backlinks are really important on Baidu. The difference between these two search engines, is that Google is giving more importance on the quality of the link and the Baidu on the quantity. However, this doesn’t mean that you can flock as many backlinks as you think, Baidu start to become strict concerning the quality of your titles, contents…etc. It started to set up Money Plant like Pingouin for Google.
Money Plant is a robot able to analyze the quality of the links and punish websites that is doing copy of others contents or spinning.
Indexing your website pages take time

You have to care about the indexing of your website page. It is the most common problem that websites are encountering on Baidu. Most of the time there is just one page or the homepage indexed. In order to avoid it, you have to get your own sitemap.
Not a such developed search engine
Compare to Google, Baidu is not such advanced as the Giant Google but it’s on the way to be more developed and to get more improved. We can compared Baidu as the Google in 2000.
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